How do I edit an invoice inside job details?
Select the Job, from the overview select Item/Invoice then select Invoice.
Selecting Invoice will open a invoice attached with that particular job. Click on Edit Invoice.

Clicking on Edit Invoice will display a pop up with auto filled fields: Client Name, client address, client email id, Bill To information.
To edit the details, click on the field(s) that you want to edit and it will become editable. Client's Name, Address, Invoice Code, Invoice date, Due Date, Currency Type can be edited here.
You can also edit more details such as item(s)/fieldworker(s), description, quantity per hour, rate, discount, amount that is already filled on the form with editable mode.
Click on the field to edit.
As soon you will edit quantity, rate, discount and tax, amount field will show you the edited final amount automatically.
After editing the details, click on the Update button.

Success Alert means invoice has been updated and will appear on the invoice section inside job details